Why is "sports fan" okay but "Fangirl" isn't?

 This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. Why can men/boys be fans of sports teams and all that and scream and all that, but when women/girls do it, it is looked down upon? Like they're doing the same things yet it is manly for a man to do it, but crazy when women/girls do it. I am a fan girl of many different artists and love so many. Like I hate that people who like music are looked down upon in so many aspects but if you love sports you're great. I've never been a sporty person. I mean I played softball when I was younger but like music has always been my passion. 

I think that we need to relook at how we treat people for loving what they love. I'm not crazy, nor are any of the many friends I have due to the music artists that I love. Okay so this was just a really quick post while my kids in my class are napping at work. 


